

Yesterday was a big day. We pressed the button! Hit submit. Turned in everything. Artwork and songs...written, mixed, mastered, sequenced and done.

Letting go is always hard for us—it involves intensive listening over & over again and doing all the artwork & re-checking the artwork over & over.

For Notes from The Universe we also did all of the photography as well. So if anyone ever wonders why each release takes awhile—it is because we are completely DIY and every detail takes time.

By the time we are done, we've poured everything we have into the album.

Thanks to each of you for being here. It means so much to us.

Notes From the Universe

Notes From the Universe

We are so excited to let you know that after over two years, endless hours, & some blood, & some tears...we are ready to announce the upcoming release of our latest!

We bring you our new album, Notes from The Universe!!!

The official release date is 2.22.22

2.22.22 sounded like a nice date that we could remember!!! All orders will ship on, or before that date.

We are really, really, really excited about it, and think it is one of our own personal favorite releases in our entire history, and we hope you will love it as well.

Pre-orders start now! and the first 200 people to order get some special extra things added in their orders!!!

Notes from the Universe will be released as a Special Edition Digipack with 11 songs, as well as a strictly Limited Edition (250 copies) 2CD Version with a bonus Instrumental CD which will only be available on our website. We also have 2 new limited run T-shirt designs to go with the release.

We are fully independent, which means we are 100% self-funded. We decided not to go through a fund raising site this round, but our Collide website takes all sorts of payments including Paypal.

Come join us on Facebook, or Instagram where we will be posting lots of new photos and thoughts about Notes from The Universe.

Any help in getting the word out is deeply appreciated!! Liking, sharing and commenting on posts help…Every bit helps!!

Much Love,


Cat out of the bag

Cat out of the bag

We know it has been awhile--but we have some exciting music news that we will be announcing very soon!!!!!!

We have been super busy getting things ready and we are getting excited to let the cat out of the bag!!!!

To make sure you get the news--please sign up for the newsletter on our website--that really helps us as we can no longer count on having a reach through socially controlled media.

Meanwhile speaking of cats--this is Mittenpaws!!! She is new to the Collide family!!! She was a neighborhood stray cat who decided to adopt us!! She is very special!!!! Barkly however is still adjusting.

Soooooooo stay tuned for news coming up!!!!

We U

Ever closer

Ever closer

We're getting ever closer to finishing up all of the vocals to our new album! So that's exciting!

In the are a couple of tracks that you may have missed. One is a song that kaRIN did with Shikhee of Android Lust last year, "Are You LIstening"

and another from 2012 with Dean Garcia, who we did the Secret Meeting Project with. "Your Blue Heart"

Our full discography with all of our collaborations is on our website, if you've never checked it out.



(Click on the Throwback title, or picture to read the entire post)

In case anyone missed it, Statik posted a couple of weeks of throwback memories the past couple of weeks on Facebook. Statik recalls his early career in music leading up to the beginnings of Collide, and up to the release of Chasing the Ghost. It’s a bit of a read, so sit back.

Also, we are working on new music, so no one fret.