El Desierto De Hielo reviews Counting to Zero

For our Spanish speaking listeners, here is a new review of Counting to Zero from El Desierto De Hielo. (The Desert of Ice)

(translated) "Collide mixed, with skill and elegance, post-industrial electronic and saturated guitars, trip-hop atmospheres hypnotic and ethereal, as if it were about Curve relaxed, dreamy or a few NIN almost Gothic Massive Attack. "Counting to Zero" is a dark work, sensual and exciting, where all the element."

"Collide mezclan, con maestría y elegancia, electrónica post-industrial y guitarras saturadas, trip-hop hipnótico y atmósferas etéreas, como si se tratara de unos Curve relajados, unos NIN ensoñadores o unos Massive Attack casi góticos. “Counting to zero” es un trabajo oscuro, sensual y fascinante, donde todos los elementos funcionan con precisión milimétrica y aportan una dosis afilada y calculada de frialdad."

Read the original review here.

If you need help with your Spanish, a Google translated version can be found here.